conquer the success

/conquer the success



With my experience of Spirituality, Psychology, Hypnotherapy & Counseling; I personally feel that Spiritual Counseling is a Step Ahead of Psychological Counseling. Spiritual Counseling is comparatively more effective and powerful, hence I thought of sharing my ideas with the intention that more and more people should become Successful, Healthy and Happy and have Cordial Relations in their life. These are purely my views and have no intention to hurt anyone sentiments. This blog covers the following three dimensions: Why & when do we need counseling? The Psychological Perspective. Spiritual Perspective. Why & When do we need Counseling? As we enter into our [...]

SPIRITUAL COUNSELING is a step ahead of PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING2018-11-18T17:44:44+00:00



"Happiness is the glue of Unity" is the output of my analysis of the strained relationships; that I see as a counselor daily. I would like to start with a small story (Unity is Strength) that our granny had told us when we were small. The Story told by Granny Once upon a time in a village there lived a farmer who had four sons. They were always quarreling with one another. The farmer tried his level best to bring them on the right path. But they never listened to the farmer and ignored his advice. So the farmer was very [...]

HAPPINESS is The Glue of UNITY2018-11-13T15:26:51+00:00

Science Behind Diwali Rituals


Many-many happy wishes to you on Diwali and all the festivals associated with it. In India, during this Diwali period, the festivity & celebration are at the peak. The life is full of joy, thrill & happiness. As we all know, many rituals are attached with these series of festivals which are followed with lot of devotion, dedication and trust. An Intellectual Question Sometimes back, someone has sent a message on WhatsApp group that how come buying utensils or gold & silver ornaments, on a festival two days before Diwali (Called Dhanteras) can make us rich. On the contrary, to buy [...]

Science Behind Diwali Rituals2018-11-07T15:40:01+00:00

Vicious Circle of Unhappiness


Why to understand VICIOUS CIRCLE OF UNHAPPINESS, when we want happiness? The very first question that might come to your mind is that we want happiness in our life then why to understand the vicious circle of unhappiness? Let us try to understand from an example. We all want to be healthy, but is there anything that can DIRECTLY be done for Health? The answer is NO. Because we are born healthy and there are reasons that make us unhealthy or sick. We can take actions to remove or cure illness and once it is cured, we become healthy automatically. Similarly, [...]

Vicious Circle of Unhappiness2018-11-02T17:46:02+00:00

Why Meditation is important for Success and Happiness?


Though Meditation is important for Success and Happiness in life, it unfortunately has lost its significance with the passage of time. If unhappiness, stress, anxiety, depression, suicides etc. are increasing in the world, one of the major reasons I feel, is the reducing popularity of meditation. I have over 25 years of professional experience at Senior Management Positions and around 12 years of meditation experience under the guidance of Osho. I have experienced both the phases in my life i.e. before I learnt meditation and after that and I see a noticeable contrast. Whatever I have learnt & experience, I shall be [...]

Why Meditation is important for Success and Happiness?2018-11-01T17:41:28+00:00

Blueprint of Success and Happiness


In "Blueprint of Success and Happiness" we shall discuss all those parameters that will take us on the path of Success & Happiness. Recap from the last blog Success & Happiness: Which is More Important? Before proceeding further, a quick recap from my last blog would be useful to understand the Blueprint of Success & Happiness. In the last blog, we have understood: Both Success & Happiness are equally important in life and one without the other would lead to an incomplete life. Happiness is our ultimate need. Whatever we do in our life, the ultimate purpose is to get happiness in life. [...]

Blueprint of Success and Happiness2018-10-31T18:34:39+00:00

SUCCESS & HAPPINESS: Which is more important?


"Success" & "Happy" are two most searched words on internet. That makes sense because we all, directly or indirectly, are in search of Success & Happiness in life. Our life is the best teacher, provided we have the art of reading the book of life i.e. to analyse & learn from the experiences of our life. Before we try to answer the question “Which is More Important out of Success & Happiness” let us try to understand from our life experiences, what Success & Happiness are. What is SUCCESS? Some Definitions from the net Many people have defined Success in many [...]

SUCCESS & HAPPINESS: Which is more important?2018-10-31T16:09:00+00:00



Hello Friends, Yesterday, while walking along the roadside, I happened to meet Mr. Successful. Out of his busy schedule, he was kind enough to give me a few minutes of his precious time. I asked him, "Mr. SUCCESSFUL, I also want to become successful in my life. Could you give me a few tips?" The secrets of success that he shared with me, I am sharing with you. He said: I have 3 B’s of Success. Bald, Belly & Binoculars (Specs). I got first heart attack when I was not even 40 years old. I take sleeping pills regularly. Twice a [...]

CONQUER THE SUCCESS: Meet Mr. SUCCESSFUL2018-10-26T12:25:30+00:00


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